Onsite chair massage is a great alternative to a traditional massage as it can be done over clothes, making it great to administer in an office environment or at an event. If you are interested in booking this service for your workplace or event; get in contact to arrange a 20 minute clarity call.

There are many different styles of massage, Chair massage is just one of them. It is a great alternative to a traditional massage, as it is usually performed over clothes. Though much shorter, you still get many of the same benefits. Chair massage often focuses on the back neck and shoulders, but depending on the chosen length, head, arms, hands and legs can be incorporated. Chair. It is particularly beneficial if you have a stressful job or find yourself at a desk for long periods of time. It’s great for revitalising and improving your energy levels as well as alleviating muscle stiffness and soreness. I often use some of the techniques learnt in remedial massage into the treatment.
I tend to offer 20 minutes (per person) sessions, but can do longer or shorter sessions. It is all dependent on your time and budget.
Chair massage is perfect to administer in a workplace setting or at an event. It can be an integral part of your workplace wellness programme. Helping your workforce to thrive.